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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where's your store Location?

We have a physical store located in East Malaysia.

Address: Sublot 11, Soho 188 West, Lor Wan Alwi 5 & Jalan Wan Alwi, Taman Supreme, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak.

Google map: CLICK HERE

I am interested to buy. Where can you deliver the items to?

Delivery destination:
Whole Malaysia.

How long is the delivery time?

We offer next business day delivery. (Monday - Friday).
Outstation deliveries might take 2 to 4 business days, depending on location, delivery method and other factors.

NOTE: These timings can vary during busy periods.

How much is the shipping fee? 

No worries, we provide flat rate shipping to entire Malaysia. 

Better yet, deliveries will be free for orders above RM250! Otherwise there will be a RM25 delivery cost.

What are the payment methods available on your website?

You can select your preferred payment method at checkout. We accept secure payments via Credits Cards, Debit Cards and FPX. We do not offer cash-on-delivery or bank transfers.

How about Return and Refund?

Customer’s satisfaction is important to us. We are only responsible for the defects of the product during delivery. Hence, we will not be able to impose a refund if you dislike the taste of the beverages.

Do you offer discount or coupon codes?

Discount codes can only be used for non-promotional items. This means your cart cannot include anything that is on promotion. There is no expiry date for discount codes.
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